Getting Started
Getting Started
Business Idea
The Start-Up Checklist is an essential instrument to enable entrepreneurs in measuring the financial robustness of a business idea and to contextualise the activity and its strategy in the competitive business world.
At this stage, a Start-Up Program has been introduced in view of offering a comprehensive support bundle to businesses covering areas such as developing of business plan and marketing strategies, training for managerial and networking skills, market research, access to market, among others.
Entrepreneurs may also leverage on the project profiles available at the SME Mauritius Documentation Centre.

Business Plan
The business plan remains undeniably the most important tool Entrepreneurs can be equipped with. A good business plan should be blueprint on how they have planned out their businesses while demonstrating the feasibility and viability of the project.
It is important to note that a business plan opens access to finance, negotiate collaborations or strategic partnerships, convey information to suppliers, clients and allows business owners to avail from the wide array of grants or incentives offered by the Government of Mauritius.
The following points must be taken into consideration before designing a business plan:

A Business Plan Quiz is designed to help entrepreneurs determine their knowledge of the key elements that should be included in a business plan

Defining the structure and content of a business plan should be a step-by-step process

Trade statistics and business indicators help entrepreneurs position their business in the competitive business world
Tips on business plan preparation
Who prepares a Business Plan?
It is advised that the entrepreneur prepares the business plan based in his/her experience, and then obtains professional advice for improving the business plan.
SME Mauritius offers free guidance on the preparation of a business plan.
Purpose of a Business Plan
A business Plan in an extremely important document for any entrepreneur. It shows the motivation and the desire of the entrepreneur to start an enterprise.
The business plan also displays the way that the entrepreneur will execute business activities. For instance, the business plan reveals information about the location, key components of the business activities, profile of the entrepreneur the marketing and the financial plan of the entrepreneur.
Banks require well developed business plans as one of the key inputs to provide finance.
Business Plan formats
You may download a simple business plan template by clicking the following link. one of the key inputs to provide finance.
Regulated Activities
It is important to keep in mind that specific business activities in Mauritius require clearance by licensing authorities. The licensing framework in specific sectors provides clear sets of licensing criteria and requirements within a well-defined and consolidated framework.

Below is a list of sectors & activities that require operating licenses from relevant authorities in Mauritius:
- Non-bank financial sector such as Securities, Insurance & Pensions, Global Business and other NBFI & Supervisory Framework: Financial Services Commission
- Internet Service Providers: ICTA
- Freeport activities: EDB & MRA
- Tourism activities such as tourism accommodation, skipper’s license operation of pleasure craft, restaurant nightclub amongst others: Tourism Authority
- Tertiary Education: Higher Education Commission
- Training Institute: Mauritius Qualification Authority
- Pre-primary education: Early Childhood Care and Education
Business Registration
Businesses can choose the structure that best suits them. The Companies Act 2001 provides for a variety of options in terms of nature and type of company and each structure offers various benefits and considerations. The main types of business structures are as follows:


Business (Sole trader)


Limited Partnership


- No person shall carry on any business in Mauritius unless he is registered with the Corporate and Business Registration Department. The services are available electronically on their webpage.
- You will be required to pay an annual registration fee and an annual trade fees (not for all business activities) to the CBRD.
- Guidelines and instructions on how to register your business, incorporate your company and the relevant fees are available by clicking the following link.
Contact Details
Corporate and Business Registration Department
Ground Floor, 7 Exchange Square,
Wall Street, Ebene 72201,
Republic of Mauritius
Tel.: + (230) 202-0600 | Fax No: +(230) 212-4480
Some business activities require permits and clearances from the relevant authorities such as Building and Land Use Permit, Occupation Permit, Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Licence, Excise License, Registration of Training Institution among others.
The National Electronic Licensing System (NELS) is an online platform where you can apply for certain licenses.
Once registered, a business can open a business bank account. The list of registered commercial and corporate banks operating in Mauritius is available on the website of the Bank of Mauritius.
The following documents are generally required by banks:
- Certificate of Incorporation.
- Business Registration Card.
- Certified copy of the company’s board minutes authorising the opening of the account(s).
- Latest annual return applicable for companies being incorporated at least 18 months of operations.
Business plan mentioning source of funds. - Additional documents may be requested by banks on a case-by case basis. In addition, banks reserve the right to reject the business account application.
As per Budget Measures 2021/2022, SMEs are exempted for payment of trade fees not exceeding Rs 5,000 for an additional 5 years and application of amnesty on trade fees and related penalties and interests that were due before 1 January 2020.
Taxes administered by MRA are all on a self-assessment system. Under that system, persons liable to pay the relevant tax or duty have to submit declarations at the end of specified periods and pay the tax, if any in accordance with the declarations. A guide on taxation applicable to SMEs.
Following Budget Measures 2021/2022, the Tax Arrears Settlement Scheme for SMEs has been extended up to December 2021, a 110 percent deduction will be allowed on the taxable income for the direct expenditure incurred on the purchase of products manufactured locally by SMEs.
Useful Info
- Starting a
Construction - CONNECTING TO
UTILITIES - Recruiting
Workforce - Training
- Cost of
Doing Business
Pre-construction checklist:
- Where a plot of land is classified as agricultural land and is to be used for non-agricultural purposes, an application for a Land conversion permit should be made to the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security
- A Morcellement Permit is required from the Ministry of Housing and Lands for the division of a plot of land into two or more lots. Application is made on the National Electronic Licensing System (NELS).
For some specific projects, an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) or a Preliminary Environmental Report (PER) is required from the Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change.
Prior to starting the construction, a Building and Land Use Permit (BLUP) from the relevant Local Authority is necessary. Application for a BLUP is made on the NELS. The BLUP is issued within 14 working days.
Guidelines / Fees Note:
- Local Authorities would automatically seek clearance from the Central Water Authority (CWA), Central Electricity Board (CEB) and Watewater Management Authority (WMA) upon application.
- No clearance from CWA, CEB and WMA is required for plots found in Morcellements.
- CWA, CEB and WMA processing fees for plan approvals have been waived
- Post-construction checklist :
- Once a construction is completed
- The Local Authority needs to be notified of completion of construction on the NELS.
- A compliance certificate is issued within 5 days by the principal agent who is either a registered engineer or a registered architect.
An Occupation Certificate is issued on the NELS within 5 days following submission of the Clearance certificate issued by the principle agent
Connection to the electric supply
Application for connection to the Central Electricity Board (CEB) grid is made either online or to any customer walk–in service of the CEB. Fees for commercial and industrial buildings are available on CEB’s website.
The CEB will allow for integrated green energy projects, combining the use of biomass, wind and solar energy. Companies and Individuals will therefore be allowed to provide renewable energy directly to the CEB, if the price is below the maximum tariff set.
Connection to the water supply
Application to connect to the water network is made at the Central Water Authority (CWA) through a customer walk-in service. Water connection is effected within 10 working days. Documents required and Fees are available on the CWA website.
Connection to the sewer network
Application is made online to the Wastewater Management Authority (WMA) and the following documents should be uploaded: Applicant ID card, CWA Invoice, Title Deed, Site/ Location Plan, Building Permit (optional) and Agreement Papers (if any).
Note: Any sewer connection cost below MUR 175,000 is conducted free of charge
Employers can recruit both local talents and foreign nationals to work in Mauritius. Employers can post an advertisement in local press or specialised website or use the expertise of recruitment agencies.
Recruitment agencies
Employers may choose to outsource their recruitment needs to a recruitment agency. Some of the licenced recruitment agencies can recruit talents both locally and overseas.
List of licenced recruitment agencies
Advertisement of posts in specialized websites or newspapers
- Running adverts in local newspapers and specialized websites is a popular way of attracting potential employees.
- Employers can also post job adverts on, a specialised website jointly managed by the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Training.
Recruitment of foreign labour
Employers should ensure that the foreign nationals have valid Occupation Permit or Work Permit to work and live in Mauritius.
For a period of 2 years starting as from 1 July 2021, HRDC training fund may be used by SMEs for digital transformation initiatives and business advisory services up to Rs 50,000 p.a.